- 1st of September, 2022: I have started a new position as data scientist at ATP!
- July, 2022: Our paper
Invariant Ancestry Search
, has been accepted into the 39th annual ICML and can be accessed here - 2nd of February, 2022: Our paper
Invariant Ancestry Search
, which gives a novel approach to estimating sets of causal ancestors using Invariant Causal Prediction methods, is now live on arXiv - 13th of August, 2021: The R-package
, implementing the methods from our paper 'Too Many, Too Improbable' test statistics: A general method for testing joint hypotheses and controlling the k-FWER
has been published on CRAN. 
- 10th of August, 2021: Our paper
'Too Many, Too Improbable' test statistics: A general method for testing joint hypotheses and controlling the k-FWER
is now on arXiv - 19th of August, 2020: The paper
Causal structure learning from time series: Large regression coefficients may predict causal links better in practice than small p-values
has been accepted into PMLR and is now available at PMLR online. - 1st of April, 2020: My coworkers, Martin Emil Jakobsen and Nikolaj Thams, and I have made a dashboard tracking the worldwide progress, which led to an interview in Danish television today along with an article. See also the UCPH announcement featuring a short video.
- 3rd of March, 2020: Our invited paper,
Causal structure learning from time series: Large regression coefficients may predict causal links better in practice than small p-values
, for PMLR is live on arXiv. - 14th of December, 2019: I, along with a team of coworkers at UCPH, have won the NeurIPS challenge Causality for Climate, in which we were given the task of estimating the underlying causal graphs of various time series from climate data (code, NeurIPS presentation, UCPH announcement, Amazon announcement)
- 8th of November, 2019: The company JP Statistics, which my business partner Josva Engmose Jensen and I have started, has launched! We provide consultancy on various statistical/data science tasks. Please write us at requests.
- 15th of August, 2019: Started a Ph.D. position at UCPH, Department of Mathematical Sciences, under the supervision of Bo Markussen, Helle Sørensen and Shyam Gopalakrishnan.
- 8th of March, 2019: I succesfully defended my Master’s thesis
Greedy Learning of Causal Structures in Additive Noise Models
, which was written under the supervision of Jonas Peters (UCPH), and I can now call myself a Master of Science with a degree in Mathematics-Economics. Link to thesis, defense slides.